Margandam Soup (Mutton Soup)

Margandam Soup

1> Onion - 1 (Finely Chopped)
2> Tomatto - 1 (FInely Chopped)
3> Sombu - 1 spoon
4> Oil - 1 spoon
5> Curry Leaves - 10
6> Coriander Leaves - 1/4 kattu (Finely Chopped)
7> Ginger - 10 gms
8> Garlic peeled - 5 + 2
9> Coriander Powder - 1 spoon
10> Pepper Powder - 1 + 1 and 1/2 spoon
11> Toor Dal - 10 grains
12> Turmeric Powder - 1 spoon
13> Mutton Ribs(Margandam) - 1 Pound
14> Water 5 Glasses
15> Salt to taste

Step 1
Put 4 in pan

Step 2
Once 4 is hot put 3 after frying put 5 after frying
put 1 after frying putting 2

Step 3
In a cooker put the cleaned 13(clean it with turmeric and runnign water)
Add the stuff prepared in step 2
Take a piece of cloth and then add 8(5 garlic) / 9 / 10(1 spoon) and
tie it tightly in such a way that the stuff doesnt get mixed with the stuff in cooker
Add 7 / 8(2 garlic) / 10( 1 and 1/2 spoon) / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15

Step 4
Cook until 6 whistles

Step 5
Open the cooker and Add 6 and then serve

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